EdanUSA EKG Chart Paper (SE-3P) for SE-3A, SE-3B, SE-301

EdanUSA EKG Chart Paper (SE-3P) for SE-3A, SE-3B, SE-301 ECG units. Superior smoothness to ensure their properties will not damage the delicate components of and perform as expected in your EKG machine, and is economically priced. Red Grid, 80mm x 20m. Also fits CARDIO-TECH GT-1103LW ECG units. 10RL/CS. Price per Case.

EdanUSA EKG Chart Paper (SE-3P) for SE-3A, SE-3B, SE-301 ECG units. Superior smoothness to ensure their properties will not damage the delicate components of and perform as expected in your EKG machine, and is economically priced. Red Grid, 80mm x 20m. Also fits CARDIO-TECH GT-1103LW ECG units.

Original price was: $68.00.Current price is: $54.50.

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